

Smugglers have been here since the 19th century, never bothering with all kinds of rules and taxes. All that time, they were smuggling: meat, animals, butter and everything that could earn a penny were dragged across the borders. Preferably out of sight of everyone and everything, they made their move on narrow dirt roads and forest tracks.
The less people knew what they were smuggling, the better. Times have changed but those tracks are still there, waiting for the new generation of smugglers. Do you have the guts, the necessary strength and perseverance to bring our journey to a successful conclusion?
We are curious to see whether you have what it takes to be a smuggler.
Fotoalbums of previous Smugglers events:
Smugglers’ Path 2023 // Smugglers’Path 2024 / French Borders 2023 // French Borders 2024
All photos on this website are made by Sam Cornette
Smugglers tracks are approved by